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Press release
08.03.2018  |  3665x
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Lump breakers prove themselves at Shell

Using lump breakers from Van Beek the ash-processing SARU units of Shell in Pernis are running at full speed again. “The lump breakers have proved they can meet the requirements of our plant”, says Mario Graca, process engineer at Shell. For big projects of this type Shell is of course playing it safe. The installation was preceded by detailed discussions and tests on site.

Why a lump breaker?

SARU stands for Soot Ash Removal Unit. This is where Shell has for decades already been processing ash and other hazardous substances that are produced in other processes in Pernis. These substances finally end up in a rotary kiln incinerator with a rotary valve. This has worked well for years, but more recent waste materials seem to clump together and this could block the rotary valve.

Suitable solution

This is why Shell approached the contractor Jacobs to find a solution. For senior buyer Rudy Schilders it soon became clear that a lump breaker was needed for this. So the search began for a suitable supplier. “We have had a few clarification meetings during the tender phase. Van Beek offered a technically good solution that fitted in with the functionality we were wanting for this project. They could also deliver with the right delivery time”, says Schilders.

Shell had already had good experience with Van Beek
Shell had a variety of reasons for being interested in what Van Beek has to offer. “We have had good experience with the Van Beek screw conveyors that had been running in the SARU units for years. The company has proved it can manage projects of this type”, Graca recaps.

Too dangerous for normal test

Normally Van Beek would invite a company to carry out a product test at Van Beek if they would like to do so, but that was not an option with these hazardous substances. “You cannot transport these substances outside the plant. The people who work with them wear protective suits and treat the substance with the greatest possible care”, explains Kneepkens.

Test on site

This is why a test set-up was installed in the SARU unit. “That was quite an undertaking because this site is naturally not geared up for carrying out tests on site. But everything worked out in the end”, says a satisfied Kneepkens. For Shell it was an important advantage that Van Beek offered this option.

Special lump breakers

Shell ordered two lump breakers for two identical lines. Because of the hazardous substances that the lump breakers have to pulverize these were special designs. All the welds were tested for air-tightness with a dye penetrant inspection. The lump breaker is fitted with heavy duty seals on the input and output side. All the seals are dust-proof. There is also a slight excess pressure on the seals to ensure that the substances remain inside the lump breaker.

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