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News items June 2018

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IFAT 2018 Presentation Platform for Smart Sorting Solutions Promising future prospects for the recycling industry
IFAT 2018 Presentation Platform for Smart Sorting Solutions
Promising future prospects for the recycling industry Schönberg, June 2018 For Sesotec GmbH and their partner company KRS Recycling Systems GmbH, two manufacturers of machines and systems for material sorting, the IFAT 2018 was highly successful. Trade visitors to a large extent came from the intended target group and showed great interest in the machines presented at the trade fair, the FLAKE PURIFIER+ multi-sensor sorting system for plastics recycling, and the new SPEKTRUM SCOPE glass sorting system. Sesotec and KRS used the IFAT trade fair to meet many of their customers and to provide information about product innovations, and also in 2018 were able to again welcome many visitors from at home and abroad at the trade fair stand. The further development of the FLAKE PURIFIER+ multi-sensor sorting system as well as the new SPEKTRUM SCOPE glass sorter obviously were well received by customers. Says Michael Perl, head of BU Sorting Recycling at Sesotec, summarizing the IFAT: ”The fact that plastics recyclers showed
22.06.2018  |  4570x  |  Press release  | 
Taking Care of Waste Wood Whether furniture, bulky goods or other waste wood: Lindner is a reliable partner.
Taking Care of Waste Wood
Whether furniture, bulky goods or other waste wood: Lindner is a reliable partner. With a focus on solutions for efficient waste wood processing for co-incineration, Lindner presented at IFAT productive shredding solutions and screening technologies that meet customers’ highest demands for quality and service. Whether Euro-pallets, furniture, bulky goods, roof beams, railway sleepers, construction and demolition waste, rootstocks that are difficult to shred or many other types of waste wood, the Austrian company has extensive experience and is a competent, reliable partner when it comes to the shredding of waste wood for co-incineration or recycling purposes. It’s all about the end product – energy for 25,000 households That’s a claim the Altenstadt combined heat and power plant in Upper Bavaria, Germany, can support: Lindner designed and supplied an on-site solution that combined a Urraco 95 shredder as the heart of the plant with a special downstream star screen. The Altenstadt combined heat and power plant went into operation in 1999
19.06.2018  |  4768x  |  Product news  | 
DemiNo®’s latest magic tricks. Now on the new NOLL website.
DemiNo®’s latest magic tricks.
Now on the new NOLL website. A universal genius and pretty tough cookie, available exclusively at NOLL’s: Our impact whirl mill DemiNo® tells you all about its latest processing tricks – always first thing on our starting page. DemiNo® is unique. Its impact whirl mill technology unites pin mill and whirlwind principles in a single machine and helps you save an entire processing step: direct grinding, no additional classifier needed. DemiNo® is all possibilities and no limits. For instance in processing foodstuffs: As »Spice Girl«, it can tame stubborn roots or difficult foliate plants, achieving up to Mohs 7. As »Coffee Lady«, it is used for cryo-grinding and homogenizing coffee powder. And it excels in shifting the proteins of valuable leguminosae… Want to know more about DemiNo® and its magic tricks? Just click on “mills”, and you’ll find all the technical specifications you need on our pretty tough cookie.
15.06.2018  |  4516x  |  Press release  | 
Presses and Shredders from One Source Channel baling press, document shredders and hard disc shredder at Schmitt Recycling
Presses and Shredders from One Source
Channel baling press, document shredders and hard disc shredder at Schmitt Recycling The proprietor, Wolfgang Schmitt, bases this strategy entirely on HSM. In total, there are now three machines from HSM located on the 15,000 square metre business premises in the Fulda suburb Besges. From the “HSM Powerline HDS 230“ hard disc shredder through the “DuoShredder 6060“ document shredder to a “VK 12018 RFU“, the second largest channel baling press from the HSM range. “HSM is the only supplier who provides the entire spectrum for a recycling operation, which we find to be a major advantage“, Wolfgang Schmitt says. “We receive everything from one source.“ Since April 2015, Schmitt Recycling has been working with a large document shredder which is fed via an underfloor conveyor and which has a high throughput of up to 2500 kilogrammes per hour. The DuoShredder 6060 shreds documents together with files, the metal components are sorted magnetically. It is therefore no longer necessary for Wolfgang Schmitt to delegate an employee just to separate
14.06.2018  |  5709x  |  Product description  | 
Recycling-Portal Schuettgut-Portal BulkSolids-Portal
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