Product description


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Level Measurement and Monitoring for Enhanced Safety

Precise level measurement is a key factor for efficiency and safety in modern industry. UWT offers a comprehensive range of solutions that combine various technologies and measurement principles.

From LED digital displays to web server modules with visualisation software – the systems are flexibly adaptable and highly versatile.

Versatile Measurement Principles

Depending on the medium and application, different measurement principles are employed. Reliable point level measurement is ensured by level switches such as tuning fork sensors, rotary paddle detectors, capacitive sensors, or vibration rods. For continuous level measurement, guided wave radar systems or non-contact radar sensors are suitable. Additionally, interface measurement enables the precise detection of phase boundaries between different media, such as liquids of varying densities or solid and liquid phases, contributing to the optimisation of complex processes.

Flexibility in Visualisation

Visualisation solutions deliver information exactly where it is needed – whether in the production hall, the office, on mobile devices, or at external locations. Depending on the requirements, the range extends from simple digital displays to networked web server solutions that can also connect silo systems across multiple locations.

Centralised Control and Automation

Centralised access to fill levels in silos, tanks, and process containers optimises material procurement, saving time and costs. UWT’s NivoTec® series offers complete systems for level indication, trend analysis, data storage, and remote queries. These automated systems can be customised to fit specific plant concepts and integrate safety devices. Limit switch signals reliably control safety-critical modules such as pinch valves for overfill protection and prevention of incorrect filling. Optical and acoustic signal devices, such as horns, signal lights, and flashing lamps, further enhance safety.

Smart Alarm and Communication Solutions

The integrated visualisation software of the NivoTec® series enables alarms to be sent via email or SMS to authorised personnel, communicating material requirements, plant malfunctions, or critical fill levels. With a variety of interfaces, including 4-20mA, Modbus RTU, Ethernet, and digital inputs and outputs, the systems ensure seamless communication.

Local Display and Safety

For local display, the NivoLED® NL 9000 provides a reliable solution with 360° visibility and two-colour switching, even in hazardous areas. The signal light can be easily integrated into control cabinets or process systems and is compatible with standard level sensors as well as relay and transistor outputs.

UWT’s Versatile Level Monitoring Solutions:

Customised for every system

With the NivoTec® product range, the NivoLED® light and a wide selection of measurement technology solutions, UWT guarantees maximum precision and reliability in level monitoring - customised for every system. By integrating fully automated systems and comprehensive safety measures, the process industry is optimally supported and protected against potential risks.
Discover how the innovative UWT solutions make your processes safer and more efficient - find out more in the blog section ” Level Measurement Explained” on the UWT website.