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29.03.2018  |  5797x
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Microtrac Sync
Microtrac Sync

Sync at Analytica: New Size and Shape Particle Analyser

Microtrac introduces new size and shape particle analyser!

Microtrac announced a new instrument at Pittcon 2018! The new Microtrac Sync will provide customers with more information about their particles than ever before. By integrating the world’s leading laser diffraction technology with the leading dynamic image analysis on the same bench with the same GUI, Microtrac’s Sync is synchronising size and shape measurement – one sample, one bench, one sample flow path, one sample cell, one analysis.

Whether troubleshooting a particle size distribution or searching for more specific ways to characterise materials, this new instrument from Microtrac will increase customer’s productivity and enable them to explore and optimise the properties of their materials. “Until now, laser diffraction has provided industry with the most used and most reliable methodology for particle size” says Paul Cloake, President of Microtrac. “Users who wanted more information, like shape, needed to perform measurements on different technologies. The Microtrac Sync has changed that. The industry’s most reliable size measurement is now combined with the most sophisticated shape information in a single instrument.”

Microtrac’s Sync is the perfect system for a wide range of wet and dry applications including metal powders, ceramics, batteries, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, cement, industrial minerals, glass beads, proppants, paints, coatings, toner, and additives among many others. Users who need to measure both wet and dry materials can easily do so thanks to Sync’s one-step smart disconnect / connect mechanism. Changing from wet to dry analysis mode requires no complicated wiring or tubing reconnection. Simply disengage one sample module and engage the other.

Whether your sample is wet or dry, big or small, regular or irregular — think Microtrac, think Sync.

Microtrac is going to exhibit this brandnew system at Analytica 2018 in Munich. Get your free tickets via this link and visit us at our booth 135 in hall A1!

About Microtrac, Inc.: Microtrac strives to provide the materials characterisation world with innovative, reliable, and repeatable particle analysis instrumentation. Microtrac particle characterisation instruments are used by top industry professionals to conduct the following analysis: Particle size, 3D and 2D image analysis, zeta potential, molecular weight, and dust characterisation.

Contact us if you would like to know more or if you have any questions.

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