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19.04.2018  |  4521x
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Bag compactor now also for big bags

In order to process empty bags in as efficient, cheap and environmentally friendly a way as possible, Van Beek designed the bag compactor. Did you know that the Van Beek bag compactor will from now on also be able to compact big bags easily?

Technique adapted to big bags

The operation of the bag compactor is as effective as it is efficient. The screw in this machine compacts empty bags, which reduces the volume by some 60 to 80 percent. The market asked Van Beek if the bag compactor also worked for big bags. The answer was no, but Van Beek likes to think up solutions and set to work on this one. “Big bags are bigger and made of a coarse fabric that is a bit more difficult to compact”, says Joram van der Heijden, sales engineer at Van Beek. “During testing it was found that big bags are in particular more difficult to feed into the screw. To draw big bags into the screw, we devised a technique that exerts extra pressure on the bags and as a result big bags are fed properly into the screw and then compressed.”

Advantages compared with other presses

The bag compactor can be used for compacting plastic bags, jute bags, cardboard bags and combinations of these. Van der Heijden says: “The machine has many different designs. The standard design is a steel coated version. For bags containing residues of aggressive powders that come into contact with steel, we have stainless steel versions.” For processes in an explosive atmosphere Van Beek can produce an ATEX version of the bag compactor. By using a chute the empty bags can be fed into a continuous process. The bag compactor can be used stationary, but a mobile version is also possible.

Cost saving

According to Roel Kneepkens, sales engineer at Van Beek, the biggest advantage of the bag compactor is in the cost saving. “A hydraulic system is not in fact necessary to drive this press, only electricity. As a result the bag compactor is many times more economical and sustainable than a hydraulic press.”

Something for you?

Do you have a process in which empty bags and big bags have to be removed? Van Beek would be pleased to help you with this, please contact Van Beek by e-mail or telephone +31-(0)416 375 225.

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