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20.01.2022  |  1854x
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Fliegl‘s concrete filling station – Successful building

With Fliegl Baukom’s concrete filling station BTS, you can quickly and easily tap fresh concrete yourself Your construction site will be an absolute sensation.
With Fliegl Baukom’s concrete filling station BTS, you can quickly and easily tap fresh concrete yourself. Your construction site will be an absolute sensation. With the BTS, Fliegl Baukom offers the ideal solution for fresh concrete to do-it-yourselfers as well as small professional customers, such as gardening and landscaping companies, fence builders, stone setters, civil engineering companies and many more.

One of these concrete filling stations is located in the district of Cham. Andreas Bucher, partner at B&O Recycling GbR from Cham, presents the new line of business of his company: The Fliegl concrete filling and mixing system BTS 1000. The gardening and landscaping company as well as other private and commercial customers benefit from the quickly available concrete.

A silo contains the cement and there are three extra large storage bunkers for sand and gravel. The system is presented in detail by Andreas Bucher. He emphasizes that tapping the concrete is child’s play. If a customer needs concrete, he goes to the nearest concrete filling station where he can log into the terminal with his debit card or a customer card and then choose between a little over twenty different concrete types and determine the quantity. The ideal mixing ratio for the respective building project, from setting a curb to laying a floor slab, can also be found here. The machine starts the mixing process automatically and the conveyor belts deliver the fresh sand and gravel before the water and cement are added. The mixing process starts and takes about on minute. The whole process, including loading the concrete onto the customer’s vehicle, takes around three minutes.

Fliegl’s BTS at B&O Recycling GbR has been in operation for six months and over 1000 m³ of concrete have already been delivered. The quick availability of fresh concrete, as well as the short distances that customers have to cover, are important success factors.

Due to the ingenious concept, human resources for operating the system are spared. In order to relieve the operator of the concrete filling station as much as possible, the BTS is equipped with a self-cleaning system and so the cleaning effort is reduced to cleaning once a day.

Technical innovations have always made everyday work easier and so they also found their way into Fliegl’s concrete filling station. Due to its connection to the server, it can be easily and globally controlled by the customer at any time. The machine is also configured via the computer by setting the mixing ratios using a clear user software. The filling quantity of the cement silo is also displayed and the moisture content of gravel and sand can be adjusted.

The Fliegl BTS impresses with a mixing capacity of around 15 m³ per hour for the smaller model and 25 m³ per hour for the model presented by B&O Recycling GbR. A good mixture makes a significant contribution to the quality of the building material. At this Fliegl concrete filling station, quantities from 0.15 m³ to 10 m³ can be tapped.

In addition to this successful machine, Fliegl also offers reliable customer service since fast and good service is essential if any questions arise. At the customer’s request, Fliegl Baukom or NSG can access the respective concrete filling station via a network and thus help quickly and reliably.

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