Why It’s Critical to Measure Moisture Content in Wood
When the moisture content is inaccurate, the quality of the product can be compromised
A slight difference in moisture content may not seem important, but when it comes to wood manufacturing, even the smallest variation can have a major impact. When the moisture content is inaccurate, the quality of the product can be compromised. Do not risk product damage from moisture. MoistTech’s NIR sensor can measure moisture content in real-time, so adjustments can easily be made to prevent product issues.
Consequences of Moisture Imbalance in Wood
Wood moisture content can affect properties such as strength, drying time, glue curing and bond performance. However, moisture affects each type of wood differently. Moisture is a key component during veneer production to keep pace with the flow of materials. In medium density fiberboard, moisture content determines the overall strength and durability of the board, surface appearance and quality. Precision moisture measurement is imperative to prevent blown boards on the OSB forming line. No matter the application, moisture control in all wood products will improve the properties of the product.
How Moisture Affects Wood
Wasted materials is one of the most common issues resulting from moisture-related issues. Unwanted moisture levels have great impacts on the final product quality and interferes with the production process. Imbalanced moisture levels have been found in lower-quality products, as well. Wood products and wood resin products, such as pressed boards, depend on the highest quality raw materials available. As the demand for hardwood has increased, the need for high quality materials is as important as ever. When wood pellets are too dry, they can create a dusty environment. The dust can ignite with sparks, which is a safety risk. Aside from starting fires, too dry wood pellets also cannot hold their shape or provide long-burning capabilities. Lack of moisture causes overall poor quality for use of wood pellets.
Update Machinery with a Moisture Sensor
For production facilities that are operating with older machinery, a moisture measurement system can help optimize existing equipment to increase productivity. The incorporation of the right automation tools, such as an automated moisture measurement system, directly on the production line can enhance current systems and processes and prepare for future objectives.