Separate Dross from bulky materials
Easy Access and Quick Maintenance required – tailored to the customer’s requirements The dross from a non-ferrous furnace needs to be cleaned out and separated from bulky materials, such as contamination from iron fittings or similar. The material temperatures are as high as 500°C, but sometimes up to 1.000°C resulting from iron nests. The fall height of the dross is at least 15.000mm. But the key requirement is to reduce the maintenance and access time for this equipment. The existing machinery is bolted to various supports and to the floor. The room height inside the acoustic booth is limited making it difficult to move parts by fork lifts. Dismantling, maintenance and re-assembly is taking at least two days with a lot of work force.
The required machinery is a quite reasoned setup. Because of the fall height the dross needs to be collected on a vibratory trough conveyor. The high conveying good temperature gives the demand for a special heat expandable trough which is realized by special materials, spacers and a bolt on design giving the trough