JOEST excels in car recycling with Flip-Flow Screen TOPCILLA
For a world-leading US processor of car recycling, JOEST has produced one of its biggest TOPCILLA flip-flow screens yet for classifying light materials.
During car recycling, the JOEST flip-flow screen is used after shredding to classify lightweight materials in preparation for further processing. TOPCILLA combines the advantages of two different screening principles in one machine — the proven JOEST TopSpin cascade screen on the upper deck and the unique Flip-Flow Screen OSCILLA on the lower deck.
The upper deck of the TOPCILLA combi-screen is configured as a TopSpin cascade screen with self-cleaning screening surfaces. Each individual screen opening is opened in the conveying direction, similar to a finger screen. Continuous self-cleaning is ensured by an overlap between the screen’s movement and the screening surface. The upper deck performs separation at 35–40 mm and, thanks to the special cascade screen surface, blockages are virtually impossible.