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16.11.2020  |  2004x
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UWT - Solution with Capanivo® CN 7 in xylene through a glass pane

Secure full detection of xylene by side mounting of the level switch Capanivo® with 1-inch stainless steel process connection in a 3" MS pipe.
Level indicators working with the capacitive measurement principle can be used in all types and shapes of tanks, regardless of whether these are metallic or non-metallic. Due to their high sensitivity, their compactness and the range of probes, they are suitable for a wide variety of industrial process requirements. In order to coordinate a constant flow of material, timed to match the manufacturing process, the plant manager of a huge paints corporation was looking for a robust and compact level monitoring system for xylene tanks. Due a special installation situation a creative solution was required.

PPS probe with 1-inch process connection

Chemical resistance & compact design

An Indian multinational paint company headquartered in Mumbai was looking after a solution to detect the level of xylene within several process tanks. Xylene is a common component of ink and solvent of paints and varnishes and is used by conservators of art objects. The company is considered to be India’s largest and Asia’s third largest paints corporation with international operation in 15 countries.

The main business is manufacturing and distribution of paints, coatings and products related to home decor.

For the individual xylene tanks, which needs to be emptied and filled from time to time, the system operator was looking after a solution to detect the level in a 3" MS pipe. The pipe has a small glass panel, where the sensor should detect the xylene without direct contact to the material. Several tests carried out by Sumit Majumder, Managing Director of UWT India and his team with various sensors quickly made it clear that the tanks can be flexibly monitored using the capacitance measuring principle of the compact Capanivo® probe CN 7100 integral cable version.
The devices have a robust PPS probe and certified design and can be easily adapted to the respective process conditions and proportions. The IP68 housing is made of polyester and polycarbonate, so it is environmentally friendly and ensures a long-term, permanent seal, even within aggressive applications.
It is possible to easily adjust the signal to the xylene using a potentiometer. After the setting, the sensor ignores the glass panel, but detects the xylene. The required Ex approvals in the Gasex area are also available.

Through the implementation of an innovative solution for a functional, easy handling and secure full detection in accordance with the high requirements and standards of the chemical company a smooth plant operation is optimally supported.

Company information

The UWT has become one of the leading suppliers of measurement technology on the world market today for the level detection in silos and tanks for material manufacturing processes. When UWT started, almost 40 years ago, with the development of ingenious products. UWT supply level limit and content measurement sensors for bulk solids and liquids. A company reaches such a position only if the following key elements interact: Sound management, good understanding of the needs of the markets, innovative product solutions, skillful investment and above all, committed and dedicated employees. Different measurement techniques are used within a variety of industries depending on the medium and application in question.UWT products represent quality, flexibility and reliability in over 90 countries across the world. Having successfully solved over 1 mio. applications within the bulk solids sector, UWT has expanded still further by introducing a new and innovative product range for the liquids market which is delivering reliable solutions for applications in this area. The company is certified ISO 9001:2015 and constantly expands its portfolio of product certifications (ATEX, EHEDG, FM, CSA, INMETRO, etc.) particularly with regard to the international markets. The development, production and sales departments are located at our headquarters in Germany, with a further production site in Malta. UWT has also established successful sales offices in the USA, UK, China, India, Brazil and most recently Mexico. With this global orientation, it is possible to serve and support customers with complete competence and flexibility. From development through production to final assembly and comprehensive technical advice, UWT can offer a complete service from a single source. The strongly held belief by the CEO`s Uwe Niekrawietz, Markus Schalk and Andreas Haug is for the welfare of over 200 employees world-wide: „Healthy and happy employees can make the unbelievable happen“. Our portfolio includes sensors for liquids: * Capanivo® 7000/8000 - capacitive sensors * RFnivo® 8000 - capacitive sensors * NivoCapa® 8000 - capacitive sensors * NivoGuide® 8000 - TDR guided radar * NivoRadar® 7000 - non contact radar sensor Sensors for bulk solids: * Rotonivo® - rotary paddle * Vibranivo® - vibrating fork * Mononivo® vibrating rod * Capanivo® 4000 - capacitive sensors * RFnivo® 3000 - capacitive sensors * NivoBob® 3000/4000 - electromechanical lot system * NivoRadar® 3000/4000 - contact free radar sensor * NivoGuide® 3000 - guided radar sensor (TDR) NivoTec® - visualisation systems
Last update: 20.01.2025
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