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Product news
12.06.2023  |  814x
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Perfect machine mounting by means of spring-cushion systems.

Vibrations induced by applications are disturbing, annoying and from a certain point on lead to disruptions in production - this should be avoided
Wherever something moves, vibrations occur. These are generally disturbing for the environment and in the worst case can lead to machine failures and thus to restrictions in production. Active machine mounts from RG+ Schwingungstechnik GmbH offer the possibility of isolating vibrations and thus preventing expensive production downtimes and disruptions to the environment.

In addition to our dampers made of a stainless steel wire mesh, the product portfolio of RG+ Schwingungstechnik GmbH also includes spring isolators consisting of a combination of springs and damping pads. This solution offers the customer, in addition to the pure vibration isolation by springs, a damping integrated into the bearing. Unintentional rocking of the machines in the resonance range can be effectively reduced.

However, this damping is not the only advantage of the FR series. When additional dynamic loads are considered, the cushion has a positive effect on the action of the spring isolators, too. In the case of a high dynamic overload, a large force is absorbed by the cushion over a very small distance. The result is a smoother stand of the machine should unwanted force peaks occur.

Spring isolators from RG+ Schwingungstechnik are used in the field of mechanical process engineering for the mounting of mixers or crushers. Spring-cushion packs are also proven in press bearing and conveyor technology.

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