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22.08.2019  |  3925x
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Residual waste becomes recyclable material

Hornbach Baumarkt AG is optimising processes with a waste management concept

The heart of the innovative concept: vertical balers from HSM. 330 of the HSM V-Press 860 and HSM V-Press 1160 max balers compact paper, cardboard and fi lm at 180 points of collection – megastores and logistics and administration centres in nine European countries. The investment for the balers is paid off within a very short period. The concept, said Andreas Back, Head of Quality Management, Environment & CSR at Hornbach, has increased the recycling quota dramatically: “A lot of residual waste has become recyclable material.”

Objective: waste separation across Europe

Those responsible at Hornbach tested a variety of baler models from various manufacturers in a DIY megastore. In doing so, they very quickly saw “clear differences” in ease of operation, quality and lastly, the price, reported Andreas Back. The “highest quality” and the “best price-performance ratio” were exhibited, in his opinion, by the HSM presses. Back: “We simply had a very good impression. The complete package at HSM was right.” The vertical balers from HSM had a high pressing power, required little space, were simple to operate and were “very unobtrusive” in continuous operation. Hornbach subsequently equipped its stores in nine European countries and several of its logistics centres with baling presses from HSM. Currently Hornbach has over 330 HSM presses. The employees in the incoming goods areas of the individual stores fill the machines with the packaging material, press it and store it in bales. Once a week, one of the Hornbach lorry fleet (“Recyclable Material Liners”) collects the valuable product and takes it to a transshipment centre where the recyclers take it over. “Recyclers value the Hornbach material due to its high quality and the degree to which it is sorted”, reported Andreas Back.

Presses lead to independence

With the vertical HSM baler, you become independent of the collection cycles, Andreas Back praised. The employees can independently take bales from the machines and put them into interim storage. That Hornbach‘s Recyclable Material Liner fleet is also clearly visible as such, is a sign to the disposal market that Hornbach is serious about all matters that concern recycling.
Hornbach had additional requirements for the HSM presses: because there is often wet film in the megastores, it was requested that the press chamber had a strong protection against corrosion and there were also specialist requirements for the software.
A great advantage of the vertical baling presses from HSM is their mobility. If the incoming goods are reorganised, the machines could be easily installed at a new location, said Back. After many years of collaboration, he is drawing an “absolutely positive balance” regarding the service quality of his press manufacturer. “We can always reach our contact partner and are always helped quickly without any problems.” The reorganisation on the basis of the HSM products at Hornbach is also a success in the eyes of management. Today, Hornbach delivers approximately 12,000 tonnes of paper and cardboard, and 3,000 tonnes of film to their recycling partners. In doing so, the DIY company redeems hard cash. According to the information provided by quality managers, the investment pays itself off within just a short period. Back: “We have quickly achieved the ability to make what would have been residual waste into a recyclable material.” It has been possible to significantly increase the recycling quota across the whole company.

Additional optimisation via recycling portal

Those responsible at Hornbach are proud of their currently unique disposal concept and of their pioneering role within the industry. Andreas Back announced that the comnpany would continue working on maintaining this advantage. HSM will continue to play a significant role in this. The DIY store specialists are satisfied that they have produced a successful concept with the correct press manufacturer.

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