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Latest update: 15.07.2024
Hosokawa Alpine Aktiengesellschaft
TEL: + 49 821 5906-0
FAX: + 49 821 5906-101
Peter-Doerfler Strasse 13 - 25
86199   Augsburg
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Hosokawa Alpine Hosokawa Alpine ist ein weltweit führender und innovativer Maschinen- und Anlagenbauer mit Hauptsitz in Augsburg und einer Zweigniederlassung in Leingarten. Außerdem unterhält das Unternehmen mehrere Tochterunternehmen im In- und Ausland. Die Kernkompetenz von Hosokawa Alpine liegt zum einen im Geschäftsbereich Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik in der Fertigung von Maschinen und Systemen zur Aufbereitung von Pulvern, Granulaten und Schüttgütern sowie im Geschäftsbereich Folienextrusion bei Anlagen zur Fertigung und Veredelung von Blasfolien. Das Unternehmen beschäftigt rund 812 Mitarbeiter und erwirtschaftete im Geschäftsjahr 2019/2020 einen Jahresumsatz von rund 200 Millionen Euro. Die Exportquote des Unternehmens liegt bei rund 80 Prozent. Seit 1987 ist das Unternehmen 100-prozentiges Tochterunternehmen der japanischen Hosokawa Micron Corporation.
Products, services
Air jet sieves, Mills, Milling, Jet mills, Impact mills, Classifiers, Classifying, Granulators, Ball mills, Wet mills, Mills, dryers, Cryogenic mills, Explosion proof mills,
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Products, services
Air jet sieves -
Mills, Milling - grinding, milling, pulveriser, microniser, cryogenic mills
Jet mills - spiral jet mills, fluidised bed opposed jet mills
Impact mills -
Classifiers, Classifying -
Granulators - Cutting Mills
Ball mills -
Wet mills -
Mills, dryers -
Cryogenic mills -
Explosion proof mills -


Hosokawa Alpine: Process solutions for magnets made from rare earths The Augsburg-based machine and plant manufacturer Hosokawa Alpine is focusing on processing rare earths for permanent magnets in various applications.
Hosokawa Alpine: Process solutions for magnets made from rare earths
The Augsburg-based machine and plant manufacturer Hosokawa Alpine is focusing on processing rare earths for permanent magnets in various applications. Hosokawa Alpine, a global leader in process technology, is expanding its innovative solutions in the processing of rare earths. The materials are then used in high-performance electric motors and other cutting-edge applications. The company is therefore making an important contribution to advancing issues such as electromobility, aviation and wind turbines. High-quality magnets made from rare earths for innovative applications Rare earth magnets, especially neodymium iron boron (NdFeB) and samarium cobalt (SmCo) alloys, are essential components for electric motors used in electric vehicles, household appliances and industrial machinery. They also play an important role in electronics, medical devices (MRI) and renewable energy technologies. However, new challenges will have to be overcome if the increasingly important rare earths are to be processed with precision. Hurdles in processing rare earths ’At Hosokawa Alpine, we are working hard to expand our AFG-R
12.12.2024  |  588x  |  Product news  | 
Videos from Hosokawa Alpine with insights on battery technology Let’s talk: New video series from Hosokawa Alpine providing insights into the future of battery technology
Videos from Hosokawa Alpine with insights on battery technology
Let’s talk: New video series from Hosokawa Alpine providing insights into the future of battery technology Talking together and peering into the future – that’s what the new ’Let’s talk’ video series from Hosokawa Alpine is all about. The Augsburg-based machine and plant manufacturer, which specialises in mechanical process engineering and blown film extrusion, is hosting short panel discussions with industry and research experts on current and future-oriented topics relevant to the industry. Talk show on battery technology How can manufacturers scale their battery production? Are there alternatives to lithium-ion batteries? And how can battery manufacturers recycle production waste during the manufacturing process? In the first series of three episodes, the experts address these questions on battery technology. Just like on an actual TV talk show, they sit together and casually chat about the topics in these 15-minute videos. They examine the issues from a variety of angles, but viewers themselves can draw their own conclusions from the talks. ”With ’Let’s
18.11.2024  |  458x  |  Product news  |   | 
Hosokawa Alpine Blueserv + Rico Sicherheitstechnik = It works Hosokawa Alpine, and Swiss company Rico Sicherheitstechnik are cooperating in terms of service provision, to offer a complete service for pressure shock-resistant systems
Hosokawa Alpine Blueserv + Rico Sicherheitstechnik = It works
Hosokawa Alpine, and Swiss company Rico Sicherheitstechnik are cooperating in terms of service provision, to offer a complete service for pressure shock-resistant systems Blueserv, the service brand of Augsburg-based machine and plant manufacturer Hosokawa Alpine, and Swiss company Rico Sicherheitstechnik are cooperating in terms of service provision, as the central focus of both companies is on customer needs. The service specialists from Blueserv are trained and certified by Rico. Only then may the legally prescribed and mandatory annual service work be carried out on the Rico Ventex® explosion protection valves. This is the only way to guarantee safety in and around the system. Complete service for pressure shock-resistant systems The durable explosion protection valves from Rico Sicherheitstechnik have been installed in the pressure shock resistant powder processing systems from Hosokawa Alpine for a long time now. In the past, customers had two contacts for service matters: Blueserv and Rico. The new co-operation between the two companies will simplify this process: The Rico Ventex® explosion protection valves can now also
19.04.2024  |  601x  |  Press release  | 
Multiprocessing systems: Flexibility and efficiency available quickly The modern production environment requires flexibility, efficiency and speed
Multiprocessing systems: Flexibility and efficiency available quickly
The modern production environment requires flexibility, efficiency and speed When manufacturing products with variable grinding properties, multiprocessing systems are crucial. This is because they offer a time-saving solution for complex production requirements. Thanks to the new Speedline series with a shortened delivery time of just 4 months, it is possible to react quickly to customer requirements and expand production capacities. How does a multiprocessing system work? The functionality of the MPA is based on a modular concept. A basic module contains all the necessary components of a grinding and classifying system, while additional modules can be added as required. This enables time-efficient conversion between different processes. The special design also reduces cleaning and maintenance times. Where are multi-processing systems used? The multi-process systems are versatile and are used in a wide range of applications. Particularly, they are used for the flexible production of smaller product quantities, especially in product development.
16.04.2024  |  577x  |  Product news  | 
Alpine Process Technology Summit: Spices, in Augsburg Theoretical and practical knowledge about spice production. The conference in English, participation costs 295 euros per person.
Alpine Process Technology Summit: Spices, in Augsburg
Theoretical and practical knowledge about spice production. The conference in English, participation costs 295 euros per person. Whether turmeric or chilli, tea, coriander or caraway: every spice has its own specific properties and requirements. These should be taken into account in the production of high-quality food and in the development of efficient production processes. To gain a deeper understanding of these topics, Hosokawa Alpine AG is organising the Alpine Process Technology Summit | Spices at its headquarters in Augsburg on 16 and 17 April 2024. The entire spectrum of spice processing With the motto ”fit for future markets”, experts from Hosokawa Alpine, Behn + Bates, Hosokawa Micron B.V., Nexopart and Hosokawa Solids will share their in-depth expertise on spice processing with the participants. Topics range from cleaning, cutting, grinding and mixing to particle analysis, powder handling and packaging as well as after-sales service for existing plants. The technical presentations will go hand in hand with a practical session at Hosokawa Alpine’s test centre. ”The laboratory
08.03.2024  |  656x  |  Product news  | 
New Hosokawa brand for manufacturers of lithium-ion batteries With the new brand ”On”, the Hosokawa Micron Group is increasing its focus on solutions for the production and recycling of lithium-ion batteries.
New Hosokawa brand for manufacturers of lithium-ion batteries
With the new brand ”On”, the Hosokawa Micron Group is increasing its focus on solutions for the production and recycling of lithium-ion batteries. Hosokawa Micron Group is increasing its focus on solutions for the manufacture and recycling of lithium-ion batteries. For this purpose, the group of companies has founded an international, group-wide competence team and created the brand ”On”. ”On” stands for the energy and power behind the project. The new brand identifies a new product line for systems for the production of energy performance materials and enables interested parties from the battery industry to get started quickly and access the group’s extensive range of solutions. This information can be found on a dedicated website: technologies play a key role in the production of lithium-ion batteries for which we have extensive know-how in the Hosokawa Micron Group,” explains Marco Hauk, team leader for the project and Vice President Powder Segment at Hosokawa Alpine. Combined fields of expertise of the Hosokawa Micron Group Hosokawa Alpine’s Chemical Division is a specialist in processing
22.11.2023  |  920x  |  Product news  | 
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